Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Annotation worksheet

The basis of Essay 1 is an article by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt in where they posit that: “In the name of emotional well-being, college students are increasingly demanding protection from words and ideas they don’t like. Here’s why that’s disastrous for education—and mental health” (Lukianoff & Haidt).

Before we delve into the actual reading, I would like to preface this unit with a source that will inform how we approach Lukianoff & Haidt.

First, please reach the very short article by Conrad Contreras which will help us make a clear distinction between being offended and being triggered. This article will give us some handy definitions for our discussion on this topic.

Why So Offended.pdf

After you have read and watched those two pieces, now you are ready to analyze the Lukainoff & Haidt piece.

The Coddling of the American Mind.pdf

One you have finished actively reading/annotating the articles, please fill out an annotation worksheet sheet for both Contreras and Lukianoff & Haidt. The submission link will allow you to submit as many documents you need to.

Blank Annotation Worksheet

Submission Details:

Save and submit your assignment.

When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor using the dropbox.

Humanities Homework Help

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