Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Music Through Culture Final Project Presentation

Musical Genre: HipHop


  • Research and create biographies of 2 artists of the Genre.
  • Include at least one song you will play a part of during your presentation.
  • Create a PowerPoint or other form of visual presentation. Colorful, nicely designed, and neat is necessary. Check for spelling errors and the accuracy of information.
  • Research instrumentation used for the Genre.
  • Provide an analysis of at least three music elements used to create the music.
  • Include other background information such as history, regions, influences, etc. for the genre.
  • Present the data to the class in a presentation that should take about 7 minutes.

My format:

● The type of music I will be presenting is Hip-Hop. Due to the fact that this musical genre is very popular in demand, I’ve decided to challenge myself. Instead of focusing on just today’s Hip Hop era, I will be taking it back to the earliest years of hip hop. From the underlying process of how it was first created and the history behind it to bringing it all the way to our current generations Hip Hop culture since it has evolved drastically just like any other musical genre.

2. Where is this music from? What is the history of this type of music?

● New York, 1970s

3. What are the instruments used?

● Hip-Hop comes from different forms of instruments and musical technology.

● Some beats are sampled, others are created on drum machines

● Synthesizers

● Occasionally a bass guitar and/or drums

4. Why will this be interesting for the class?

● Just like any professor, you’d enjoy teaching students about a topic they familiarize themselves everyday with yet have little to no knowledge of it. We surround ourselves with many different things on a daily basis yet fail to realize who created this, why it was created and how it came to be. I guess what I’m trying to say is, it is important for us to really understand the history of something we enjoy paying money to see in live performances, the adrenaline rush it gives us, the emotions we express while singing along with our loved ones and so forth. We spend all this time listening to Hip-Hop yet, do we really know the purpose of it? Most importantly, must we not thank the person/people for even giving us such an amazing diverse genre?
5. Name at least 2 artists who play this music. Due to the fact that I will be talking about several generations of Hip-Hop, I have yet selected any artists. Of course I will be selecting 2-3 artists for each decade. (‘70’s)(‘80’s) (‘90’s) (‘00’s) (‘10’s) & if possible (‘20) Since Hip-Hop originated in the 1970’s, I will definitely be talking about who that individual/s were and how the process was created.

● Instead of picking just any artist and getting things over with, one of my main focuses on

who to select involves how that person may have actually changed the hip-hop industry.

6. Write three possible questions you want to answer about this music.

● Comparing and contrasting artists who receive critical acclaim versus those who receive

commercial success

● Why did you choose to discuss Hip-Hop? Is it the language (rhythm, poetry, history,


● How Hip-Hop has drastically influenced and changed fashion, dance, music history.

PLEASE FOLLOW THIS AND ADD MORE INFORMATION! I just need help with doing all this information, you don’t necessarily need to do the PowerPoint bc I can simply do that myself but if you can set it up on GoogleDocs and I transfer and add detailing and animation, etc thatd be much appreciated!

Humanities Homework Help

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