Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Sociocultural Anthropology Paper

Please Make sure to do both parts !

Please be mindful of the word-number limitations for each question; written material that exceeds those limits will not be considered as part of the grade. Also, there is no need to write up to the maximum word limit; shorter answers are thoroughly acceptable.

There is no need to do any independent research; additional research will not result in a higher score/grade.

There are two parts to the exam (Part One and Part Two). Be sure to answer both parts. Again, there is no need for any research outside of the course readings, and additional research will not improve the scores/grades awarded.

PART ONE: Please answer the following question (3000 word limit).

Use either Csordas, Ortner, Abu-Lughod, Brenner, Mahmood, Das, Robbins, or Mattingly, or some combination of them, to analyze one of these two ethnographic films: Divorce Iranian Style () or Me and the Mosque( Feel free to also use the ethnographic material to mount critiques of these authors as well. In presenting an analysis, be sure to match particular claims to evidence taken from the film, showing how the claim is supported by both the evidence and the theoretical model(s) you have chosen, or, alternately, how the critique of the theoretical claims is based on the ethnographic material.

PART TWO: Please answer the following question (1,500 word limit).

How does your analysis in part one differ from an analysis you might have given using either Levi-Straus/Sahlins, Douglas, Turner, or Geertz? What are the comparable strengths and weaknesses of these two analyses?

Humanities Homework Help

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