Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. African Art(answer the questions based on the pic )

Answer the questions below for each pic ;attached.(only 3 sentences for each question).

And I can provide the pages of the book material for the pic’s.

[[Make sure English is my second language, so sample vocab]]

  1. dentification of the Spiritual/Cultural Function, and brief dissection of same.
  2. Identification of the practical Function, and brief dissection of same.
  3. Identification of the dominant elements.
  4. Identification and discussion of the Weltanschauung and how it is shown specifically in the work, and/or.
  5. The art historical importance; for example, Classic Kerma, the highest artistic achievement in ceramic ware of its time; art historical importance also means the first of its genre.

Humanities Homework Help

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