Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. 1 page debate about immigration: for immigrants we like immigrants. 🙂

Assignment Details

This is a pre-writing and brainstorming phase for Essay Three in which you’ll –

  • Begin by a thinking of a debatable topic and your beliefs about it.
  • Write one full paragraph (about Âľ-1 page long) to explain these.
  • Include two embedded sources that each include a signal phrase, accurate citation, and explanation afterward. One must be a direct quotation.
  • Allow your voice to speak first, last, and loudest.
  • Remain focused on one primary idea.
  • Not include any instances of “you.”
  • Submit as an MLA-formatted PDF document


This paragraph will be a starting place for research we’ll do in Essays Three and Four.

  • The topic should center on an issue or narrative that you think needs to change and that people disagree about. You’ve shared some topic ideas already, and I’ve included some of those and other ideas, below.
  • This paragraph will explain your current beliefs about a topic you’ve chosen, recognizing that our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes are starting places for our investigations. Through the process of open-minded research our beliefs often change in whole or in part.
  • For this paragraph, you’ll complete on-the-spot online research like we did for the Core Value assignment to begin to see what kinds of ideas are circulating about your topic.


focus and explanation (6), two sources (4), properly embedded sources with accurate in-text citations (6), instances of “you” edited out (2), and clarity (2)

Humanities Homework Help

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