Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ENG 101 Factoids

We’ve all heard assumptions that are repeated so often that they become accepted as facts. We call these speculations factoids.
According to Jolene Creighton in her article “50 Facts that are really Factoids”, a fact is based on observations repeatedly verified. This is especially true in science. Yet even here, the facts may evolve. If the context or tools of observation change, it may turn out not to be a fact any longer. But this process of verification is not present when we look at a factoid. Here we have statements “based on an assumption—something that has never been confirmed.”
Sometimes websites act like factoids, full of assumptions and speculations that have not been verified.
In this exercise we will look at a factoid or a suspicious website and examine its veracity.
Read the prompt below “7 why should I trust this”
– find a factoid or suspicious website (you can do your own search, ask friends, or check sites below for examples).
– observe all you can about it.
– check for previous fact-checking (explore fact checking websites about this factoid or site)
– go upstream (trace claim to an original source; check other sites that say same thing and look if there is common evidence)
– if possible, read laterally (check what other people have written about the factoid or website).
– write report (one paragraph that presents the factoid or website, main characteristics, your research, your analysis).
– write reflection (what have you learned doing this research?)
after you are done,
– In Ex 7 Factoids Google Doc folder, read two classmates’ reports and respond to them. BE CAREFUL – make comments but do not erase or edit anything!!………

Humanities Homework Help

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