Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. how globalization affect on religion


I would like from you to review the following things carefully in order to write the Final draft.

1- This project contains three sections (drafts).

2- the first section was an early draft of my chosen article. I did this and you can find it in the files as “ENC 1101 outline template”

3- the second section was the intermediate draft which is the actual paper. I did the intermediate draft and received comments from my professor.

I uploaded files for the intermediate draft and the comments as well.

4- The professor’s comments are very important to you in order to write the final draft. So review all the comments carefully and revise the paper. That’s all what you need to do.

Now, the reset of the information is the description of all the project. So, review the description to see what else you need to include for the final draft and to understand the project itself as well.


Project 2 is an 800-1000 word literature review arguing that a scholarly conversation on a topic has changed—or has not changed—over a period of time. This project uses at least four sources, two of which must be published between 2000 and 2010, and two of which must be published between 2011 and 2017. Project 2 is a Global Citizens Assignment that conforms to Learning Outcomes objectives D, E, and F.

Early Draft

The early draft will be an outline that presents your main points with supporting evidence. Include sources and evidence in the form of quotes or paraphrasing in addition to your argument.

Intermediate Draft

The intermediate draft should be an 800-1,000 word literature review that argues how a scholarly conversation about your chosen topic has changed—or not changed—over a period of time, using two sources published between 2000 and 2010 and two sources published between 2011 and 2016. You should integrate summarized, paraphrased, and quoted materials from your four sources to demonstrate your understanding and provide support for your thesis.

Turning in your intermediate draft late may result in not being able to participate in peer review.

Peer Review

Follow assignment guidelines as outlined by your instructor. Using MyReviewers, you will provide feedback via peer review. The peer review process allows you to respond to your peers’ drafts as fellow writers working toward the common goal of producing properly formatted, useful and insightful essays. Both you and your peers will be using each other’s comments and recommendations to improve your work. Thus, your individual commitment to peer review has a real impact on the success of the entire class.

Final Draft

The final draft should be a 800-1,000-word revised literature review that argues how a scholarly conversation about a chosen topic has changed—or not changed—over a period of time, using two sources published between 2000 and 2010 and two sources published between 2011 and 2016. You should ensure that your claim is fully supported with summarized, paraphrased, and quoted material drawn from your four chosen sources. The final draft will reflect significant revisions based upon instructor and peer feedback.

Project Description/Assignment

For this project, you will find six sources surrounding your topic question and create an annotated bibliography. Then narrow those six sources down to four (two sources published between 2000 and 2010 and two sources published between 2011 and 2016) that demonstrate change or lack of change in perspective over time.

You will create an 800-1,000 word literature review concerning global and cultural interrelationships and interdependencies across place and time that includes the following:

  1. An introduction that states your thesis (a claim) about how the scholarly conversation has changed over time
  2. Evidence from the research you did in Project 1 to support your thesis; quote, summarize, and paraphrase according to MLA or APA guidelines
  3. Four sources from your annotated bibliography, two sources published between 2000 and 2010, and two sources published between 2011 and 2016
  4. Connections between sources (comparisons and contrasts) to support your argument


In Project 2, you will research and write a literature review that argues how a scholarly conversation about your chosen topic has changed–or not changed–over a period of time. Your audience for this project is an academic audience who is unfamiliar with the topic and changes in perspectives regarding the topic. Project 1 lays the foundation of research and understanding of scholarship concerning global and cultural interrelationships and interdependencies across place and time. You will further develop your research question to reflect the evolution of the research process as it moves from an annotated bibliography to an evidence-based academic essay.


This assignment will be evaluated using the Project 2 Rubric and the guidelines listed above.

Terms You Should Know

  • Literature Review: A report that overviews and evaluates scholarship about a topic
  • Conversation: Two sides of a topic, often contrasting
  • Historical perspective: A way of seeing a topic in the context of its time period
  • Thesis: The main idea/purpose/argument of the essay
  • Historiography: Tracing how perspectives on a topic have changed over time
  • Revision: Adding, removing, or modifying parts of writing
  • Evidence: Support for an argument

Let me know if you need any further information.

Humanities Homework Help

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