Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. sociology of cultural and emotion

Answer each question with at least one page with single spaced

1. Write an essay that powerfully connects your knowledge of culture and emotion to real-world issues in three parts:

  1. Explain how the concepts of multiculturalism and mental schema (v. material culture) relate to on gender roles&bias and educational inequality
  2. How do these concepts help us grasp how culture and emotion can sometimes make this problem worse?
  3. Describe a strategy to make positive change connecting interventions back to each concept.

2.Write an essay that powerfully connects your knowledge of culture and emotion to real-world issues in three parts:

  1. What connections do you see between the perspectives of -Montoya(file:///C:/Users/yzhang102/Downloads/Martin%201998%20-%20Becoming%20a%20Gendered%20Body%20(1).pdf) and Hankivsky( file:///C:/Users/yzhang102/Downloads/Hankivsky%202014%20-excerpts%20from%20Intersectionality101.pdf )?
  2. Choose and describe a specific cultural issue that people face in the LA region and tell why it’s relevant to the work of these authors.
  3. How would each author advise us to respond to this issue?

Humanities Homework Help

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