Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Draft of Comparison-Contrast Essay

University of Phoenix Material

Prewriting Worksheet

What is your narrowed topic? Write up to 50 words to provide details.

[Write the Topic of your essay.]

Who is your primary audience or reader? Why? Write up to 150 words in your answer about your audience.

[Discuss the intended audience for this essay.]

In a couple sentences, or a 150-word short paragraph, what is your thesis statement, including your angle? Write what will appear in your essay.

My point is that…[Discuss your main point.]

What topic sentences will you use as the foundation of your communication? (If necessary, add more points.)

Write a Topic Sentence (TS) that you will use.

Write a Topic Sentence (TS) that you will use.

Write a Topic Sentence (TS) that you will use.

What method of organization and development will you use to develop your paragraphs?

  • Introduction:

oWrite a rough draft of 175 words of your intro here.

  • Body:

oRewrite your TS here with details about supporting paragraph

oRewrite your TS here with details about supporting paragraph

oRewrite your TS here with details about supporting paragraph

  • Conclusion:

oHow will you conclude your essay without sounding repetitive? Write a rough draft of 175 words of your conclusion here.

2nd part

Focusing on drafting using the materials that you have gathered this far is an important part of the writing process. Each step taken to further the editing and revising of an essay will make it that much more polished as a final draft. Just as in most projects at work, there are steps to follow to produce a satisfactory final product in academic papers.

Review instructor feedback on your Week 1 to Week 3 assignments.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word draft of your comparison-contrast paper that makes seeing the differences and similarities of your chosen topics clear.

Use the topic you selected in Week 1, your research from Week 2, and your thesis and outline from Week 3.

Review your essay for effective use of basic English grammar, word usage, and sentence style before turning in your paper.

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Submit your paper to the Assignment Files tab.

Humanities Homework Help

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