Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. The Environmental Impact of the Civil War , history homework help

In 4-5 sentences, respond to the following:

Kirby makes some good arguments about the environment. He talks about how the landscape had changed because of the war. Disease and death to humans and animals because of the large number of people and animals working, eating, and sleeping in close quarters. Cities and towns were burned down and destroyed, farmlands burned and torn up to make defensive positions or parks commemorating the battlefields. Trees and forest burned or cut down for use in forts and firewood, or just cut down during battles. These all seem to be temporary and not real concerning to the long term environment. There were no poison gases, nuclear waste, or harsh chemicals being dumped into the ground, just changes to the landscape that could be recovered.  The most significant environmental change seems to be the national parks and cemeteries that emerged. This isn’t a bad thing per say, but a course of national history.

Humanities Homework Help

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