Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Foner’s Chapter 1 text, history homework help

For this Discussion, go HERE . It is a website in which you will find many photographs of Pre-Columbian artifacts. Once there, do the following:

  1. Browse these images of artifacts carefully. Take your time and try to enter the minds of those peoples that must have made these objects.
  2. Choose 3 artifacts and describe each one in detail. Give more detail rather than less.
  3. Next, taking each artifact separately, discuss what that artifact reveals to us about Pre-Columbian Americans. Be the detective and note details. Speculate intelligently if you don’t know the answer.
  4. How do these artifacts connect significantly to Foner’s Chapter 1 text? List at least three ways.

    Also, answer this: What if a future online student, in the year 3000, had images of our present-day “artifacts.” First, what would some of these artifacts be? List three. What would these modern-day artifacts tell them about us and our society today? Let your mind have some fun with this thought experiment. You have nothing to lose. )

Humanities Homework Help

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