Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Create a Purpose of the study and Conduct Research

For this assignment you must create a purpose of study regarding the topic “There is no agreement on the integration of technology and the means to be used in the classroom” . Research needs to be conducted.You need to plan a quantitative, qualitative, mixed-method study. Should be 1 page

You must conduct research, and complete the checklist in the order listed . You must also complete all of the problems listed under the assignment instructions .Your response to the questions and problems should be listed under the section labeled Purpose of Study begin writing here…..

Follow the check list listed below also I attached a powerpoint and sample guide : The first sentence should read: “The purpose of this [identify research methodology] [identify research design] study is to [identify the goal of the dissertation that directly reflects and encompasses the research questions that will follow].”

Purpose of the Study

Begin writing here…


Your assignment is to create a purpose of the study by indicating the intent, goal, and rationale for researching the problem addressed in last week’s assignment. The purpose statement should begin with “The purpose of this (quantitative, qualitative, mixed) study is to…” Use the following list to create the purpose statement:

  • Study method
  • Study design
  • Constructs/variables
  • Target population
  • Research setting
  • Sampling frame
  • Sampling method
  • Sample size (Justified by scholarly sources and a power analysis for quantitative studies)
  • Data collection method (including instrumentation)
  • Data analysis method
  • Software to be used for analysis
  • Closing statement as to how the study results may inform educational practice

Length: Approximately 1 page, not including title and reference pages


☐ Begin with a succinct purpose statement that identifies the study method, design, and overarching goal: “The purpose of this [identify research methodology] [identify research design] study is to [identify the goal of the dissertation that directly reflects and encompasses the research questions that will follow].”

☐ Indicate how the study is a logical, explicit research response to the stated problem and the research questions that will follow.

☐ Continue with a brief but clear step-by-step overview of how the study will be (proposal) or was (manuscript) conducted. .

☐ Identify the variables/constructs, materials/instrumentation, and analysis.

☐ Identify the target population and sample size that will be needed (proposal) or was obtained (manuscript).

☐ Identify the site(s) where the research will be (proposal) or was (manuscript) conducted using general geographic terms to avoid identifying the specific location. To avoid compromising participants’ confidentiality or anonymity, use pseudonyms.

☐ Do not exceed one page.

Resources to help

Attached is a Creswell’s templates Purpose Statement Powerpoint

Attached is a Guide on Create a Purpose Statement

You need to plan a quantitative, qualitative, mixed-method study. For example, if choosing a quanitative design, you might consider won of the designs by discussed in by a quantitative textbook authors, for they have intrduced a number of ways to categorize research designs For example, Shaughnessy et al. (2012) says that all designs can be categorized in terms of four goals: (a) description, (b) prediction, (c) explanation, and (d) application. Kazdin (2003) delineates between experimental and observational studies. He purports that the distinguishing characteristic between these two types of studies is manipulation. In an experimental study, a researcher manipulates a variable of interest; whereas, in an observational study, a researcher observes the variable of interest and its associations. For example, causal comparative and correlational research designs are considered observational research as the researcher does not manipulate any variables. Other quantitative textbook writers suggest that there are two primary categories of quantitative research: a) descriptive (which asks, “What is going on?”) and b) explanatory (which asks, “Why is it going on?”) (Bartos & LaFountain, 2002; Campbell & Stanley, 1963; Crowl, 1993). Explanatory studies can be divided further into group comparison and correlational designs. Correlational designs include predictive and correlational designs. Group comparison designs include causal comparative, pre-experimental, quasi-experimental, and true experimental design. “The purpose statement should provide a specific and accurate synopsis of the overall purpose of the study” (Locke, Spirduso, & Silverman, 1987, p. 5) includng the method and design. It foreshadows the research question(s) and hypothesis(es), which are usually, presented immediately following. Note a qualitative research article only has questions; hypotheses are not applicable. I usually find Creswell’s templates useful to the development of a purpose statement. . Qualitative Template (Adapted from Creswell, 2013): The purpose of this _________ (phenomenological, grounded theory, ethnographic, historical, case) study is to _______________ (understand? describe? develop? discover?) the _____________ (central phenomenon of the study) for _____________ (the participants) at __________ (the site). At this stage in the research, ___________ (central phenomenon) will be generally defined as ________________ (a general definition of the central concept). The theory guiding this study is _______________ (identify theory and cite theorist) as it ________________________________ (explain the relationship between the theory and your focus of inquiry). Quantitative Template: The purpose of this _____________________(true experimental? Causal comparative? Correlational? Pretest-postest control group? ) study is to examine (compares? relates?) the ___________ (independent variable, variable of interest) to _________________________(dependent variable), controlling for _______________________ (control variables) for ___________________ (participants) at _________________________ (the research site). The independent variable(s)/ one of the variables of interest _____________________ will be generally defined as _______________________ (provide a general definition). The dependent variable(s)/ other variable of interest will be generally defined as _____________________ (provide a general definition), and the control and intervening variables(s), _________________ (identify the control and intervening variables) will be statistically controlled in this study.

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