Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. 3 Page Paper Needed Immediately

 the Prompt and Readings attached:

In the introduction to the book Global Woman, Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Hochschild describe immigrant domestic workers in the global economy as some of “the world’s most invisible women” (13). What does it means to call these women “invisible?” In your essay, explain how globalization and systems of gender inequality intersect in creating this “invisible” labor force, and discuss the various ways these so-called “invisible” women have striven to make themselves visible.

Your essay MUST alsocite the following readings:

1)Saskia Sassen, “Global Cities and Survival Circuits”

2)Barbara Ehrenreich, “Maid To Order”

3)Rhacel Salazar Parrenas, “Migrant Filipina Domestic Workers and the International Division of Reproductive Labor”

Parrenas – Migrant Filipina Domestic Workers and the International Division of Reproductive Labor (1).pdf

Humanities Homework Help

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