Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Revise Synthesis Essay​

For this assignment you will revise the attached Synthesis Essay. The Paper should be 4 pages + a works cited pages. Do not bid on this unless you are familiar with Synthesis Essay . Pleas revise in your own words, no plagerism and do not copy from the attached draft essay. Please complete in MLA Style

Revision Instructions:

1. Read “The Coddling of the American Mind” by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt,

Bindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People by Mahxarin R. Banaji and Anthony G Greenwald,

and view Implicit Bias and Microaggressions: the Macro Impact of Small Acts by Dr. Sue,

and Microaggressions & The Rise of HYPERSENSITIVE Victimhood Culture by Black Pigeon.

2. Write a paper on the following: Now that you have read the collection of views on biases, triggerpoints, microaggressions, and victimhood, it is time to express what you think about the topics.

Specifically, write a short essay (three full pages minimum not counting the required works cited page), taking a position on whether or not trigger warnings and microaggressions are creating a victimhood culture or not.

You will need to define your terms: trigger warnings, microaggressions, and victimhood cultures as well as any other any other terms a general audience would not know–not common knowledge. The paper should stay in third person, no I, me, or you, and incorporate the ideas of both readings, using direct quotes or paraphrases. Also incorporate the video’s ideas.


Synthesis Paper: Contents and Sections

The Synthesis Paper (sometimes called a Knowledge Base Paper) should include the following:

• A Title

• An Introduction – described earlier.

• Body – contains the main points of the paper; can be subdivided into smaller chunks.

• Conclusion – discussed earlier.

• Works Cited –contains citations for all the sources used in the paper.

4. Include a minimum of two (2) credible sources , in addition to the article presented and videos presented in the class, to support your ideas, making sure to cite them both in your paper and on a works cited page in MLA format.

Please label the cover sheet

Name: Master Muhammad

Teacher: Professor Wilson

Course: English 101

Date: 3-30-18

Attached the Synthesis Essay

Trigger Warnings and Microaggression are creating a Victimhood Culture

Diversity management is a reality in the world today because of the changes in movement of people that is enhanced by globalization and improved technological solution to deal with the problem. In the United States and other developed societies, emphasis on the concept and the need to recognize and accept the different cultures that constitute its population is high. While the imperatives for respecting and integrating minority groups into the dominant culture are clear and essential, there is an emerging culture in the country, especially within university community, that is turning diversity and inclusion over their heads and might result in the creation of new generation of adults that are overly-sensitive and incapable of engaging in serious intellectual conversation. The emphasis on the avoidance of speeches and actions that might be considered a form of microaggression, as well as behaviors and objects that result in trigger warnings is creating a victimhood culture that would deny people the benefits derivable from cultural intimacy and interactions.

Lukianoff and Hiadit defined microaggression as “small actions or word choices that seem on their face to have no malicious intent but are thought of as a kind of violence nonetheless” Also, they wrote that the meaning of trigger warnings is considered as “alerts that professors are expected to issue if something in a course might cause a strong emotional response” (42). While the definitions of these two important concepts have evolved since their emergence, the application during genuine conversations on unrelated issues that contribute to the intellectual development of people is the source of concern for many social psychologists and other scholars. One of the reasons for this concern is that the need to protect the sensitive of people on certain subjects is robbing them of the chance to learn about their history, culture, measures for understanding and dealing with some problem. While the avoidance of triggers is useful for rehabilitating victims of certain violent crimes such as rape and domestic abuse, the removal of The Great Gatsby from the selected readings of an English Literature class in the university is extreme. This action by university professors to protect their students from the repeat of their traumatic experience is not only ineffective but infantilizing them and creating graduates that would be incapable of dealing with their professional lives.

According to Sue, the victimhood culture consists of “practices that ignore cultural homogeneity but emphasizes the uses of sanctions from organized and powerful authority figure to protect and help others advertise their oppression as evidence of the disrespect and non-acceptance of the ethnic, cultural, and other identities of their group.” As a consequence of the new climate of trigger warnings and microaggression, this new culture is reaching new heights in the society and adversely impacting the value of the intimate interactions that diversity management programs in schools and the workplace are designed to accomplish. In the opinion of Mahzarin and Greenwald, “most of today’s racial discrimination stems not from attempts to harm anyone but from selective helping. We are each part of several groups, defined by race, gender, religion, family, alma mater and so on, and when we go out of our way to help an in-group member, we do not see that as a bad thing. We are being “good” people that are trying to help other” (10)

Meanwhile, the need to understand the dangers of microaggression and trigger warnings in the development of the victimhood culture that is counterproductive to the development of an ideal society can be examined from the emphasis on political correctness. This phenomenon is creating a stereotype and institutionalized discriminatory practices that several people are unaware of their negative consequences. People from the same dominant culture that was considered as oppressive and discriminatory are beginning experience the same prejudice that the victims of microaggression consider oppressive (Robbins 2). For example, the emphasis on white male privilege or the need to avoid participation in honest discussion about issues affecting group because of lack of authority to use certain words and phrases is the new form of discrimination that would likely impede progress towards diversity integration in the United States.

Pigeon Black noted that the moral status known as victimhood culture arose from the enabling social conditions that were provided and enhanced with the promotion of microaggression and trigger warnings. Unfortunately, it would continue to prevail and deny people the chance to interact with others without the bias and prejudices that misjudge their intentions, especially when their use of certain words and phrases are expected to sound politically correct. As a conclusion, our university and college campus are designed for the pursuit of intellectual development that the campaigns to win the sympathy and protection of third-parties from materials and discussions that were created for this primary purpose are preventing. Therefore, the avoidance of microaggression and trigger warnings examples of ideas and practices that is bad for students and workers despite its potential to protect them from the emotional discomfort. The consequence is the victimhood culture that would deny them the opportunity to develop the critical thinking and reason skills that are essential for success in their careers.

Works Cited

Banaji, Mahzarin R., and Anthony G. Greenwald. Blindspot: Hidden biases of good people. Bantam, 2016. Print.

Lukianoff, Greg, and Jonathan Haidt. “The coddling of the American mind.” The Atlantic 316.2 (2015): 42-52. Accessed on 23 Mar 2018.

Robbins, Susan P. “From the editor—Sticks and stones: Trigger warnings, microaggressions, and political correctness.” (2016): 1-5. Accessed on 23 Mar 2018.

Sue, Derald Wing. Implicit Bias and Microaggressions: the Macro Impact of Small Acts. Stanford, 2015. Accessed on 23 Mar 2018.

Black Pigeon Speaks. Microaggressions & the rise of hypersensitive victimhood culture, 2016.Accessed on 23 Mar 2018.

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