Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Critical Reasoning – Assignment – Week 6

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Critical Thinking Assignment 

For this Critical Thinking Assignment you have two options. Do not do both options; select only one to complete. Indicate your choice in the file name of your assignment.

Critical Thinking Assignment Option #1: Practicing Strategic Thinking Self-Assessment Essay

This course is going to be different from any course you have taken thus far because the emphasis will be on actively developing your thinking. Everything we do in this class will be designed to help you become better and better at thinking. You will therefore not be asked to memorize information. Instead, you will be required to actively participate in class so that you can improve your thinking.

Think of learning about thinking as you would of learning a sport. To learn to play tennis, you would need to first learn the fundamentals of tennis at an elementary level and then practice those fundamentals during every practice session. The same is true in learning to think better. You must be introduced to the fundamentals of good thinking.

Then you must practice those fundamentals every day. Therefore this class has been designed with the primary purpose of helping you develop your thinking or reasoning skills. Why is this important? Because the quality of every decision you make will be directly determined by the quality of your reasoning abilities. In fact the quality of your life in general will be determined by how well you think in general.

Write a paper that is a self-assessment of your progress as a strategic thinker. Has this course been effective in teaching you how to thinking critically? Why or why not? This is an opportunity to provide positive input into future development of this course.

Sources and Citation: Cite two scholarly sources to back up your claims, assumptions, and facts. You are encouraged to use the readings for the course. 

Your paper, including citations and references, should be 4-5 pages in length, well written, and all source citations (including the reference page) should be formatted per the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

Critical Thinking Assignment Option #2: Preventing the Destruction of Creativity Presentation

Watch TED Talk: How Schools Kill Creativity. In the video, Sir Ken Robinson presents an analysis of how schools can stop the destruction of creativity. Evaluate how education, business, and nonprofits may become a source of creativity.

  • Your presentation should include 8-10 slides, not counting the required title and reference slides. You may use PowerPoint or internet-based presentation tools, such as Prezi or Slide Rocket. Be sure to include the URL of your presentation when using internet-based tools. Paste the URL into an MS Word document and upload it with your presentation.
  • Incorporate three scholarly sources that are not required or recommended readings for this course. Cite and reference your sources properly.
  • Format your presentation, including all citations and references, according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.You can find additional helpful guides on making presentations in the CSU-Global Library.

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