Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Watch or listen to Presidential-Candidate Obama’s speech from March 18, 2008 called, ‘A More Perfect Union.’ Here is a link to the transcript and audio recording. There are also multiple videos of the speech on the Internet.

Watch or listen to Presidential-Candidate Obama’s speech from March 18, 2008 called, ‘A More Perfect Union.’ Here is a link to the transcript and audio recording. There are also multiple videos of the speech on the Internet.…

A. (20 points) How does Candidate Obama ameliorate the fears of White America while not ignoring the realities associated with being a minority? What parts our texts reading support Obama’s speech? What parts of your reading thus far could be used against Obama’s point of view?

B. (20 points) Given the events since 2008, in what manner and to what extent would Obama’s ‘More Perfect Union’ speech be written differently today? Fully explain and defend your answer.

Humanities Homework Help

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