Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Review your state (Alabama) Professional Counseling licensure requirements and write an APA 6th formatted paper 8-12 pages in length

IN ADDITION to the title page, abstract, and references page – where you present your state’s procedure and your specific plan to obtain licensure.

Be sure to include:

Your State’s Requirements

  • Academic requirements
  • Number of client hours required for each level of licensure
  • Number of supervision hours required for each level of licensure
  • Costs/fees
  • Any other requirements not listed above

Your Specific Plan to Licensure

  • Estimated time required to obtain licensure
  • Plan for locating a work site for practicum/internship
  • Plan to secure a supervisor
  • Plan to prepare for and taken national exam(s)
  • Plan for remaining current on state licensure requirements/changes, as well as professional organization (e.g., AAMFT, ACA, codes of ethics, etc.)

Licensure requirements vary by state; therefore, it is YOUR responsibility to fully investigate the requirements for licensure in your state. DO NOT SIMPLY COPY AND PASTE REQUIREMENTS FROM YOUR BOARD’S WEBSITE.

Humanities Homework Help

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