Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. 5Qs on Philosophy

Read Chapter 3 then respond to the following Qs

1. What are the five types of religious experience suggested by Richard Swinburne? Find an example of two of them from some religious, philosophical, or devotional literature.

2. Compare Alston’s view of religious experience as perception with Proudfoot’s view that religious experience is interpretation based on religious beliefs. In what ways would their explanations of a particular account of religious experience be similar and different?

3. Give an argument (either from this chapter or your own) either for or against the thesis that religious experience can be used to justify religious beliefs. What view of religious experience have you presupposed? What objection might be raised against your argument?

4. Compare and contrast arguments that might be given for and against the thesis that there is a common core to religious experience. Which perspective do you think is correct, and why? Might there be a common core to higher state mystical experiences but not to other types of religious experience?

5. In what ways do the religious experiences of Asian religions like Buddhism and Hinduism differ from those of Western religions like Christianity, Islam, and Judaism? Why are they different (here you might consider the diverse perspec tives on reality these religions hold)?

Note:Chapter 3 will be provide

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