Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. 500 word paper on one of the challenges faced by such a long (non-stop) flight is how your body and your brain handles such a challenge.

Some of you may be aware of the recent record breaking flight by Quantas airline from New York to Australia. One of the challenges faced by such a long (non-stop) flight is how your body and your brain handles such a challenge.

For this assignment find a minimum 3 sources (one can be your textbook, one must be a newspaper article, and one must be a peer-reviewed research article) to address the following questions:

What are some of the issues that your body and your brain may face with flying so long. What are some of the techniques you can use to “trick” your brain? Do they work? Why or why not?

Address these questions in a 400-500 worded paper (body only. title page/abstract/references/etc are NOT to be counted towards the word requirement) formatted in APA style.

Please no plagiarism!!!!!!!

Humanities Homework Help

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