Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Quick 10 Question Quiz

Which of the following is true of both US foreign policies and economic policies?

A. The US foreign policy has changed but not eh US economic policies.

B. The US economic policies has changed but not the US foreign policies.

C. The US foreign policy has remained the same for over 300 years.

D. They both have progressed over time.

Which has practiced isolationism?

A. The United States

B. China Both

C. b and a

D. All European nations

A national policy of acting without consulting others is

A. moralism.

B. pragmatism.

C. unilateralism.

D. isolationism.

George Washington was a strong supporter of isolationism.

A. True

B. False

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The US imposed impressment upon European ships which led to the War of 1812.

B. The War of 1812 was between the US and France as result of the French’s impressment.

C. Europeans were involved in the Napoleonic Wars during the War of 1812.

D. none of the above

In which century did the US begin to rise as a world power?

A. Throughout most of the 19th century.

B. At the end of the 16th century.

C. At the end of the 20th century.

D. During the beginning of the 20th century.

The United States mostly abandoned isolationism and emerged as a world power after

A. World War I.

B. World War II.

C. The War of 1812.

D. The Civil War.

What was the main purpose of creating the Intergovernmental Organization (IGO)?

A. To stabilize international financial relations through fixed monetary exchange rates.

B. To guarantee the security of member states, promote economic, social, and physical well-being around the world.

C. To serve as the world bank.

D. To facilitate trade worldwide.

If a member within the agreement wanted to secure a loan to build malls in a developing nation, which IGO is the best one to be a part of?

A. none of these answers



D. The World Bank

GATT was created as the international trade organization.

A. True

B. False

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