Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. San Diego State University Mysterious Tour of Channel Islands Essay

Personal Narrative Prompt

C. Boeck

RWS 305W Project 2: Personal Narrative Project

Length: Your Narrative should be approximately 4 pages.

Due dates: Refer to the class schedule for Peer Mark draft and Revision dates.

Format: Follow MLA format for the Narrative—only include a Works Cited page if required. Include a creative title that fits your topic.

Audiences: Your instructor and classmates.

Purpose: To narrate and reflect on a personal experience.

Write a 4 page Personal Narrative about an important and meaningful experience—recall a person, place, or event from your past and reflect on its/their significance to you. See pg. 214-218 in the textbook for prewriting and drafting ideas.

Here are some questions that will help you write your Personal Narrative:

  • Does your Personal Narrative describe an event that had strong personal meaning for you?
  • Does your Personal Narrative have vivid descriptive passages and sharp details? Review your use of adjectives, adverbs, and their effectiveness in creating word pictures. You are re-creating the event for your readers.
  • Are the events in your Personal Narrative in a logical sequence, i.e. reverse chronological order or chronological order?
  • Is there an introduction (introduce the topic of your Personal Narrative), a body (describe the event itself), and a conclusion (explain the significance of the event)?
  • Is the language of your Personal Narrative clear and appropriate to your purpose and audience? Consider word choice, tone, sentence structures, and the addition of dialogue.

Key RWS 305W outcomes met with this assignment:

  • Analyze and Evaluate complex print, digital, and multimodal texts that engage significant academic, professional, or civic issues.
  • Apply rhetorical principles appropriate to different purposes and goals, within specific disciplinary, professional and civic communities.
  • Research and contribute to specific areas of inquiry by evaluating, synthesizing, and integrating strategies and sources appropriate to genre.
  • Adapt and employ conventions to communicate with diverse audiences who are members of or affected by a specific area or discipline.
  • Compose a variety of texts, working individually and collaboratively, through processes of drafting, critiquing, reflecting, and editing.

Humanities Homework Help

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