Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Essay for English 120

You will be given two short articles, which express opposing viewpoints on the use of technology in the classroom.

You should take a clear stance on the issue (choose a side) but also address the counter argument somewhere in your essay.


This assignment asks you to respond to the topic both articles address with an argument of your own in an essay that is 4-6 paragraphs in length.

In your argument, be sure to:

Include a thesis statement identifying your position on the topic. To develop your thesis, provide clear topic sentences/sub-claims/reasons.

Support your argument with evidence of and analysis from the provided texts, using correct MLA format for citations. (PIE format)

Be sure to address and respond to a counter-argument in your essay.

English 120 Exam Topics

1) Are automated retail stores a good idea?

2) Should community service be a requirement for graduation?

3) Do smartphones benefit classroom learning?

4) Should high schools require financial literacy classes?

Humanities Homework Help

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