Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. hello , i would like to get help with one of my assignment.

Presentation of Novel Assignment

You’ll have 10-12 minutes to engage the class with the additional novel you read. I’d like you to make sure some basics are covered, but please feel free to be creative and original in your ideas.


  • Plot
  • Setting (a map might be helpful)
  • Characters (a character map or list with relationships might be helpful)
  • Tone and style of novel
  • Themes

Other items that you’ll certainly need to cover:

  • How does the text relate to other works that we’ve read by in class? Thematically? Stylistically?
  • What are the important parts of the text for analysis and interpretation?
  • How does the book reflect ideas about Chicana/Latina feminist theory?
  • What are some places (excerpts) that you’d like to look closely at with the class?

Otherwise, it’s up to you to make it clear and engaging. Remember the rest of the class has not read these books; I have. You’re not presenting to me, but to your peers. They will be hopelessly confused if you’re not clear and sure of what happened yourself.

You’ll be graded on:

  • Basic coverage of information: Is it present and clearly presented?
  • Clarity: How well does the class grasp what the novel is about?
  • Enthusiasm: How well do you convey interest and excitement about the novel?
  • Further development: How well do you open up new ideas for thinking about this author’s work?
  • Extra: What makes your presentation special?

In addition to your presentation, you’ll turn in a two-page response to the novel—this is not a plot summary; rather it is an analysis of how you connect to the ideas in the text. Which characters and events are important to you?

Grading for the books will be based on a scale like gymnastics scoring. Each book will have a difficulty level, and your presentation will be worth 100 points for execution. The assignment is worth 150 points. Turn in your notes for the assignment.

The reading is only 50 pages .

Humanities Homework Help

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