Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Theology: Investigate how ideas about God and/or Christ are expressed through worship, art, and literature.

Objective: In this section of the course, we have been focused on ways in which Christian theology can be expressed in non-written forms. In this essay, you will investigate how ideas about God and/or Christ are expressed through worship, art, and literature.


– Choose one of the following two options to further investigate how some aspect of Christian theology is treated in at least one of the following forms of expression.

– Write a 4-5 page essay, drawing upon both the experience or work that you’ve chosen and upon the formal theology outlined in Weaver, the Bible, or other course texts, and/or discussed in class.

– Your essay should have an introduction, conclusion, and citations to any sources that you use.

– The final essay should be submitted on Canvas by Tuesday, April 28.

  1. Observe the main weekend worship services online of a Christian church (and one different from your own affiliation, if applicable). Write about the theology expressed in that community’s prayer, rituals, preaching, art, architecture, the words of its pastor or parishioners, etc.
    1. Your paper should focus upon what this community thinks about God and about Jesus Christ, based upon the overall experience, the content of their prayers and any sermons, and observations of the architecture, social interactions, etc. An excellent paper will give your readers a sense of 1) what the community is like, from what you can tell, and 2) the understandings of God and of Christ (the theology) that you found in and through the community’s worship, and3) how your observations relate your research to our investigations of Christian theology in this course.
    2. You might organize your essay by talking about these three topics in order, or you might integrate all three more creatively, but you should make sure to look at all three parts of the question
    3. Don’t assume that your readers have been to this particular service! Give them enough information so that they know what happened, as well as what you thought was most important/significant
    4. It’s entirely fine to contrast your experience of the church you visit with any of your own experiences of a church or other religious service, particularly if it helps you to explain and analyze their worship and its theology
  1. Look online at least two pieces of art that depict Jesus. Compare and contrast some of the theology or theologies expressed in these images.
    1. Lots of museums have put their collections online, so you could start by simply searching for images, or you could go to the websites of some famous museums (our National Gallery here in DC, the Metropolitan Museum in New York, the Louvre, the National Gallery in London, etc.) and search there for images of Jesus.
    2. Start by describing each piece – don’t assume that your readers have seen it! You don’t need to have a picture in the text, and you should be working so that your readers can imagine the artwork in their own minds from your words, in at least a paragraph or two
    3. Then analyze the art or compare the two pieces – not only with regard to what they look, but also with regard to the theology they present. One way of doing that which may be helpful: what would someone think about Jesus if this was the only image they had? About the event depicted in the image? About the way he appears to the viewer in this image?
    4. Sources from class will be helpful here – the Gospels, if the image depicts a scene from Jesus’ life, and the Weaver information on Jesus (p. 104-108), the essay on “Artful Contemplation” by Karen Sue Smith, and/or the article on “Why Black Jesus Matters” by John Christman
      Essay Two Rubric
      Criteria Ratings Pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of Experience, Artwork, and/or Plot of Novel

      5.0 pts


      4.0 pts

      Highly Competent

      3.0 pts


      2.0 pts

      Barely Competent

      1.0 pts

      Not Yet Competent
      5.0 pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis of Theology or Christology

      5.0 pts


      4.0 pts

      Highly Competent

      3.0 pts


      2.0 pts

      Barely Competent

      1.0 pts

      Not Yet Competent
      5.0 pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRelation to Course Material and/or Sources

      4.0 pts


      3.0 pts

      Highly Competent

      2.0 pts


      1.0 pts

      Barely Competent

      0.0 pts

      Not Yet Competent
      4.0 pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction, Conclusion, and Overall Organization

      3.0 pts


      2.5 pts

      Highly Competent

      2.0 pts


      1.5 pts

      Barely Competent

      1.0 pts

      Not Yet Competent
      3.0 pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity, Style, Grammar, and Spelling

      3.0 pts


      2.5 pts

      Highly Competent

      2.0 pts


      1.5 pts

      Barely Competent

      1.0 pts

      Not Yet Competent
      3.0 pts
      Total Points: 20.0

Humanities Homework Help

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