Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ARTS 1301 Compare And Contrast Assignment

Choose two artworks by two different artists that are from
different time periods and/or artistic styles. The artworks can be from
the MFAH’s permanent collection or from the textbook. Find artworks
that interest you and share a common subject matter, theme, or genre
(see Chapter 4 of your textbook for broad themes to consider). Fill out
all sections in the attached form for your two chosen artworks. You
may start by writing bullet points, but you must tie your ideas and
research together in a narrative paragraph for each of the three main
sections. This assignment has a minimum of 450 word count. You must
support your points with specific examples that reference your
artworks. Also, you must have two academic resources (in addition to
your textbook) used and cited for supporting research. See additional
tips and considerations at the bottom of the form for additional
support. Make sure you attach images of both your artworks and their accompanying labels at the bottom of this assignment.

Humanities Homework Help

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