Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Week 2 forum post

The textbook readings this week included Models of Abnormality and Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Your form post this week should address those two main topics.

First, what is your own conceptual model of abnormality? That is, when you think about abnormality, what do you think causes it? Unconscious factors? Biology? Learning? The environment? Some combination? Explore these ideas a bit and tell the class what you’re thinking.

Second, the text also addresses some advantages and criticisms of the current DSM and the process of diagnosis in general. What do you think about the current classification system and its collection of both categorical and dimensional information? What do you see as the biggest challenges in using it for diagnosis?

Your post must be a minimum of 400 words long and must meet all other forum requirements as listed below.

Humanities Homework Help

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