Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. do you believe presidents should be granted such broad authority to institute Executive order, political science homework help

Please write a 3-5 page paper answering both of questions below. Double spaces

Use at least two quotes from the readings and lectures. I uploaded two files below, please use the quotes from this two readings.

Presidents have used Executive Orders (EO’s) to justify military strikes, bar the use of
federal funds to advocate abortions, stop deportations of undocumented people, and raise federal
minimum wages for contractors. Executive Order 9066 created Japanese internment camps
where US citizens were rounded up and placed in camps where they were not free to leave. The
constitution’s silence on this matter has given presidents the authority to sign EO’s on a broad
array of topics.

1. In light of this silence, do you believe presidents should be granted such broad authority to institute EO’s that essentially serve to create new laws? Do you
believe presidents are properly interpreting their powers or are they usurping
Congress’s powers?

2. Based in part on your discussion in question 1, if you were president, what Executive Order would you sign? – You can choose to create your own EO or
justify a previous one. Summarize what the EO would do (or did if choosing
past EO), why you believe it is necessary for our country, and why you believe
the constitution grants you the authority.


Intro- based on my belief that presidents usurping congressional powers or completely justified under the constitution, I would institute Executive Order that does blank.

Body Paragraph(s): Summarize what EO does or did.

Body Paragraph(s): Answer why this is necessary for our country.

Body Paragraph(s): Why constitution grants this authority. Constitution grants limited powers-here are citations from class readings/lectures. Or Constitution doesn’t limit powers-citations from readings/lectures.

Conclusion: I would sign this EO because …. This is what it does/did. Summarize arguments explaining why it is constitutional.

Humanities Homework Help

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