Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Case study. I need parts 2 done

Case study (in three parts)

  1. Selection of case study and literature (5%) due February 19 submitted as pdf through the D2L/Brightspace drop boxby 10:59am

Format: simple overview (few sentences for explanations, paragraph writing for summaries and proper citation for sources) to indicate you are prepared for the two analytical papers that make up your case study

  • read all instructions for the case study

  • From the following list, pick one conflict for your case study:

    • Bosnia-Herzegovina 1991-1995

    • Kosovo 1995-1999

    • Sierra Leone 1991-2002

    • Democratic Republic of the Congo 1996-2002(ish)

    • Darfur (2003-2010))

  • write one paragraph explaining why you chose this conflict

  • identify three sources that will give you information on thehistory of the conflict (you can use reputable online sources but you need a 2:1 ratio of academic sources to reputable online sources)

  • for each source, write a one-paragraph summary indicating that you have read enough of the source to determine its relevance and thus usefulness to your case study

  • identify three sources both fortrack Iefforts and fortrack IIefforts, again with each source getting a one-paragraph summary

    • of course some of your sources can overlap; if you find sources that deal with both track I and track II then you can list that source for both (but don’t duplicate the summary, simply say “see above”

    • however, you need a minimum of six different sources total for this assignment (even if you were to find three articles that each gave information on the history and on track I and track II intervention efforts, you’d still need to identify three more sources for this assignment)

    • submit through the D2L/Brightspace drop box

2. Track I Diplomacy: Analysis of official resolution efforts (15%) 

Format: academic paper (page requirement: 6-8 double-spaced pages; use proper referencing)

  • start the assignment with a concise overview (1-2 pages) of the conflict focusing in particular on the issues and positions at stake, the various parties involved (primary and secondary) as well as some relevant historical information

    • use at least 3 separate sources (of which only one can be a reputable internet site) but write in your own words (while giving proper attribution to sources); vary your sources, don’t just summarize them one by one

  • follow the case overview with a brief discussion of track I diplomacy in general

    • Use your textbooks and the wider academic literature to discuss what track I diplomacy is, what it aims to do and how it has been used (1 page; at least 2 scholarly sources here)

  • Main body of assignment: What aspects of track I diplomacy have been used in your conflict?

    • use legitimate web sources as well as at least three academic sources to describe the various efforts

    • depending on information available, concentrate on IGOs and/or specific states (either on their own or with other states but not as part of an IGO initiative) (3-4 pages)

  • Conclusion: how effective have these efforts been? What is still required?

  • Cite often! I expect on average 2-3 citations per paragraph)

  • You must use in-text citation (not footnotes or endnotes) following the American Psychological Association’s citation style (see University of Purdue’s guide to APA; also available through D2L/Brightspace; brief overview available at the end of the syllabus BUT with page numbers for every citation)

3.Track II Diplomacy: Analysis of unofficial resolution efforts (15%) due: April 9 (uploaded as pdf to D2L/Brightspace drop box by 10:59am)

Format: academic paper (page requirement: 6-8 double-spaced pages; use proper referencing)

  • Use the same conflict as in the first part of your case study but now you no longer need to give an overview of the conflict; simply introduce this assignment with a one-paragraph recap of what track I diplomacy had achieved, what was still lacking and then move into the assignment by giving

  • A brief discussion of track II diplomacy in general

    • Use the academic literature to discuss this (1-2 pages; at least 2 scholarly sources)

  • Main body of assignment: What aspects of track II diplomacy have been used in your conflict?

    • use legitimate web sources as well as at least three academic sources to describe the various efforts

    • depending on information available, concentrate on NGOs and/or specific individual efforts (either on their own or wider civil society efforts) (3-4 pages)

  • Conclusions:

    • How effective have these efforts been? What is still required?

    • How do these conclusions relate to your first assignment’s conclusions?

    • What have you learnt from this case study about the possibilities of multi-track diplomacy?

  • Cite often! I expect on average 2-3 citations per paragraph)

  • You must use in-text citation (not footnotes or endnotes) following the American Psychological Association’s citation style with page numbers (see above for details)

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