Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Thesis statement for research paper, homework help

I need a research paper that has 4 steps in it. 1st step I need to submit Thesis Statement , 2nd step Outline, 3rd rough draft and 4th complete paper. Everything needs to be done in Chicago style. I am attaching all the directions of assignment. When you go through the directions there is a list of museums , choose NORTON SIMON museum , in their site go to collections and choose which one your are going to write about. Please make sure that you choose a theme that can develop a very good research paper. when you choose the art work you need to let me know right away so I can find out its location in museum.

So right now you will work on Thesis Statement, I will post 2nd step when I get approval from professor to continue to Outline. And so on. It means you have to save the work and continuance working on it during a month or so. So I will raise the price for each assignment. As of right now I need you to read all the instructions thoroughly and visit the museum site and choose a art work that you feel you can write the best paper on . Let me know what did you choose and continue on thesis statement . Oh and please pay attention that professor asks to choose art work that should be included in our textbook.

The textbook is Exploring ART. Global Thematic Approach, 4th eddition by Margaret Lazzari and Dana Schlesier.

Humanities Homework Help

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