Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Hello there, I need some help for this short ANTH 102 (Understanding Other Cultures) assignment. I would really appreciate it.

ANTH102 Weekly Response Paper

Week 9: Social Stratification and Race

Instructions: Submit a 1-page response to the question(s) posed below. Your response should be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins vertically and horizontally. Proofread your paper for grammar and spelling.

Deadline: Friday, October 16, 2020 at 11:59pm EST

Questions: Spend some times navigating around the components of the website What information on the website was surprising to you? What are some of the things you learned from this data? What specific knowledge which helped you better understand race and human variation?

Include a question at the end of your response (this question is apart from the 1-page response); this must be one personal but structured question about anything that you find at the website. Note: You cannot repeat the questions of the assignment; you must provide your own structured personal question or even better if you can give more than just one.

Humanities Homework Help

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