Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Crafting Structure

Part 1—Analysis

Read and analyze an excerpt from John Steinbeck’s essay “I Remember the Thirties.”(… )

As you read, remember that you get to choose how you divide and analyze the structure. Is there a shift in tone, time, or importance of incidents in the excerpt? How are his ideas organized?

After you decide how you want to divide the essay based on structure (shift in tone, time, importance of incidents, etc.), think about why Steinbeck chose to organize it in that manner and think about the effect of his organization.

Next, complete the Crafting Purposeful Structure worksheet :Part 1: Analysis of “I Remember the Thirties”

Part of the Paragraph Purpose of the Sentence Example


Topic introduction and claim

The author’s structural organization in this passage begins with __________ and follows with ________________ ending finally with _______________________.









Sentences Evidence
Sentences Commentary
Sentences Conclusion

Part 2: Application

Select an essay or outline that you have created for this class. Answer the following questions:

  1. Identify the essay or outline that you have selected, and copy and paste it.
  2. What organizational pattern did you employ?
  3. Why did you structure your ideas in this way?
  4. Do you feel that your structure was effective? Why or why not?
  5. Identify and explain an alternate way to structure the ideas in your essay or outline.
  6. How would this new structure affect your audience’s understanding of your claim?

Part 2—Application

Next, take a look at one of your essays or outlines from this course. Study how you structured your ideas, and answer the questions on the Crafting Purposeful Structure worksheet… here is my essay:

No one thinks about what they are eating while they are eating it, which has caused plenty of Americans to increase in weight leading to diabetes, high cholesterol, and other diet-related health issues. But the locavore movement has set out to revolutionize the human eating habits. It advocates for the consumption of locally produced or grown products. Their main aim is to ensure local healthy eating and buying locally. This paper seeks to examine the locavore movement and there implications for the community.

Consumption of locally produced and grown products has a huge impact on the local economy and the environment of the community. Over the years, there has been an increase in consumption of fast foods and processed foods by Americans. Buying local food strengthens the community and its famers, (SOURCE C). According to (SOURCE E 75) percent of farmers will get their organic cost reimbursed and this will lead to crop insurance. This is evident since there are now over 1.2 million farms (SOURCE E).

Another main point is that the Locavore movement plays a big role in the conservation of the environment and climate change. Global warming is real in the sense that the earth has witnessed increasing temperatures over the last century, as well as issues such as melting of glaciers. The locavore movement inevitably will reduce the emissions emitted during the transportation and production phases (SOURCE D). This will also ensures that there is little waste since there is shorter distance covered for distribution.

Different cultures have preferences for different types of foods. There are factors that determine the foods that are popular with certain demographic use. Some crops are regional and do not grow or do well in certain areas. Consuming foods from local markets will mean creating a rift between those that Consume local and those that prefer foreign markets. Consuming local produce will only limit you to consume certain kind of products.

The Locavore movement has a huge impact in the social and economic aspects of the community. Poor diet and other behavioral risks lead to many diseases that would have otherwise been preventable. That signifies that the Locavore movement does not only look out for the community by also for the health and wellbeing of individuals. The Locavore movement focuses much on social benefits rather than economic benefits.

I think the essay is high scoring since; we come up with judgments of food systems based on authenticity by considering the nature of different foods in different contexts. Judgment of food systems applies authenticity as a predominant approach. Authenticity is the idea of the level of genuine components in food. Authenticity is a construct of judgment of food systems. Eating certain foods leads to perceptions of certain identities. There is a desire for authentic experience in terms of foods, therefore, foods are judged by considering culturally original forms of the food.

Humanities Homework Help

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