Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Use this guide to evaluate the credibility of the research sources that you used to select your two articles. Answer each of the questions listed below for each of the two articles you have chosen.

Conduct research using at least two (2) different online information sources, at least one (1) of which must be from one of the EBSCOHost databases provided in the online library of The Los Angeles Film School: LA Film Library Resources.

Authority and Credibility

  • Are the author(s) identified? Who are they?
  • What is the author’s job title or professional affiliation (if available)?
  • Where does the article originate? Is it from a website, periodical, or other source?

Content and Bias

  • What was the focus of the article?
  • Is the article accurate and thorough?
  • Does the article seem biased in any way in its point of view?
  • Is the article trying to convince you of something? If so, does it succeed? Do the arguments seem sound?

Currency and Continuity

  • What is the date or timestamp on the article?
  • Has the article been revised? If so, what was the last revision date?
  • Does the publication have a solid standing and history for accountability?

Citations and Links

  • Does the author/publisher list any sources or citations?
    • If so, how do these sources or citation make a difference to this article?
  • Are there links or citations to other resources that enhance or support the information provided in this article?
  • If so, how do they lend credibility to the article?
    • Are the links still active?

Navigation and Copyright

  • How easy is the article to navigate?
  • Do you find the information accessible through alternative sources and what are they?
  • Is there evidence that the article has been clearly copyrighted? If so, by whom?

Humanities Homework Help

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