Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. mafia help question

short answer questions: Identify each of the topics listed below. include five pieces of information for each topic. if the topic is a quotation, identify the title of the original. source and author, time period, person/ character who states the words, and the meaning of the idea in the text and for understanding the mafias. if the topic is a historical person, identify who it is the time period, works s/he produced or events for which s/he famous, and why the person is important for understanding the mafias.

1. ‘ndrangheta (place and time of origin, power structure, main illegal activities, places of expansion today )

2. camorra (place and time of origin, power structure, main illegal activities, places of expansion today )

3. “the battle against the mafia is fought in Palermo but can be won only in Room”

4. “Testagrossa Agrees”

5. “the mafiosi’s children are different from their fathers… children are not born bad, they’re born good. it’s their environment’s fault that they come to a bad end “

6. “Swear that your body and your soul belong now and forever to this venerable society of the Blessed Paulists, in service of justice, in defense of the weak, against all forms of violence and domination committed by the government, the nobles and the priests”

7. Livia De Stefani

8. Giuseppe Impastato

Essay Topics. Choose one topic to develop as short essay. To receive full credit your essay must include examples (references from at least 3 of the works listed below. The essay must also include an introduction, arguments supported with textual examples, and a conclusion. important: explain your examples throughly; don’t just refer to them. write as if i don’t know anything about the history of the. mafia or these short stories, people, films, or events, USE your own words. Quotes are allowed but you must support them in your own words.

Works: Marco Turco Excellent Cadavers, Giovanni Verga “The Gold Key”, Luigi Natoli “The Blessed Paulists”, Maria Occhipinti “The Carob Tree”, Livia De Stefani The Mafia at My Back, Giuseppe Nuccio “Testagrossa Agrees”, Silvana La Spina “La Truvatura”, Maria Saladino’s testimony, Marco Tullio Giordana The Hundred Steps”

1. Telling stories about the mafia in life, fiction and film is an important tool used by both the mafia and the people opposing it in order to gain support and consensus. Choose three traits the mafia emphasizes in its own idealized images of the organization and then contrast them to three ideas about the mafia presented in stories told by authors or filmmakers opposing it.


2. You have read and viewed several works that treat the topic of the mafia and children. Based on these works, examine three main ideas related to the myths about the mafia and children, why the mafia may appeal to children, and actual roles that young people perform in the criminal organization.






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