Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Anwser each question below

1. As you read the beginning of Beth’s account and about the start of her relationship with Sam, what sort of personal reactions did you have? What jumped out at you, or surprised you?

2. Viewing Beth’s story from social work’s person-in-environment perspective, we look at micro, mezzo and macro factors in Beth’s development and situation. Tell us something about Beth that you think is significant. Is there anything we should consider about her as a person (physical, psychological, spiritual)? What strengths you observe in her during this early part of the story?

3. Now think about Beth’s environment and family as she grew up, and the aspects of these that might have influenced her. What did her experiences of time, place, culture and relationships “teach” her (regardless of whether these seemed to help or hurt her)? What values and beliefs do you think Beth took with her?

**Below I have the story uploaded***

Humanities Homework Help

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