Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Discussion: Fuel for the Fire Now that the discovery process is nearly over, it

Discussion: Fuel for the Fire

Now that the discovery process is nearly over, it is time to share the wealth. If you are interested in your topic, then others are going to want to know what you discovered. You are compelled in this age of information to carry the torch of knowledge forward for the benefit of others. In other words, you need to present your knowledge in a way that is compelling and appealing. Professional researchers present their findings in these ways:

  1. Submitting a written report that is published internally (to the company that paid for the research) or in professional publications.
  2. Delivering the report orally at a conference of others interested in the topic. These presentations may include visual props, demonstrations, or a PowerPoint presentation.
  3. Posting findings to a web forum on the topic. Postings include visual aids and concise text in compelling layout.

Now it’s your turn to take up your torch of knowledge and let it shine brightly by:

  1. Selecting a professional presentation method from the list below and organizing your information into ONE of these formats:
    1. Written Report. Students follow these guidelines:
      • Length 5-7 pages (1200-1800 words)
      • MLA formatting
      • Works Cited page/Parenthetical citations
      • Embedded quotations
      • 2-dimentional enhancements (photos, charts, graphs, illustrations, maps, etc)
    2. Oral Report. Students follow these guidelines:
      • PowerPoint slides 10-25
      • Oral presentation length 5-7 minutes
      • Verbal parenthetical citations
      • Works Cited page (MLA formatting)
      • 2 or 3-dimentional enhancements (audio, video, photos, charts, graphs, illustrations, maps, etc)
    3. Web Report.
      Students follow these guidelines:
      • 1-3 linked web pages with text/media layout
      • Works Cited page (MLA formatting) –hyperlinks to Internet sources
      • Parenthetical citations
      • 2 or 3-dimentional enhancements (audio, video, photos, charts, graphs, illustrations, maps, etc)2-dimentional enhancements (photos, charts, graphs, illustrations, maps, etc) –hyperlinked or embedded
      • Submit the link to your web page for the assignment or attach HTML pages
  2. Adding media enhancements to make your presentation interesting.
  3. Using embedded quotations with MLA citations in your presentation (A minimum of 6 quotations).
  4. Using paraphrased and summarized information with MLA citations.
  5. Having a Works Cited Page that uses MLA formatting (At least 3 sources – 1 must be a primary source).
  6. Submitting your project to the Discussion: Fuel for the Fire link for peer evaluation.
  7. Exploring one or more of your peers’ research projects using the 4 P’s of peer evaluation [Praise, Probe (ask questions), Propose (make suggestions), and be Positive].
  8. Checking out the comments your peers submitted about your project so you can use them to revise.

Note: You will get a grade now for completing this discussion. You will turn in your revised project to your instructor for grading and full points later, once you have received your peers’ feedback.

Click here to view the rubric used for grading this assignment.

To ensure success, read the grading rubric that your instructor will use to evaluate the revised version of this assignment (that you will turn in later):

For help with editing and revising, go to the 6+1 Trait® Writing rubric.

Humanities Homework Help

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