Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SO338 Unit 5 Assignment


In this paper complete all the required activities and answer the reflection questions. This assignment will help extend your understanding of the unit topics and concepts to applications in everyday life.


Please respond to all of the questions in paragraph form with the question numbers labeled. You should incorporate concepts from the readings into your answers and cite the readings as needed. The paper should be 2-4 pages not including tile and reference page.

  1. Visit the Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter pages of four or five of your friends. If you don’t have any of these accounts, you can look at public profiles.
    • How do they present themselves on their social media sites?
    • What aspects of themselves do they highlight?
    • What aspects do they conceal?
    • Are they involved in what Goffman describes as impression management?
    • Are we necessarily engaged in the process of impression management when we present ourselves to others?
  2. Watch the film Generation Like (Links to an external site.).
    • Summarize the key points of the film.
    • How has the construction of the self changed with the increased importance of social media?
    • How do the examples in the film connect to the commodification of culture?
    • What are the outcomes of this form of interaction and self evaluation?

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