Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Questions about the LIFE OF PI book

Chapter 18

What new religion did Pi discover? What did he compare it to?

Chapter 35

How are future events foreshadowed in this chapter?

Chapter 52

Pi made a complete list of the items on the lifeboat. If you could have only five of these items, what five items would you choose? Please rank them in order of importance to you.

Chapter 60

How did Pi demonstrate his faith in this chapter?

Chapter 66

What ominous statement did Pi make at the end of this chapter?

Chapter 68

Describe the difference in Richard Parker and Pi’s sleep patterns.

Chapter 69

How was Pi attempting to be rescued? What was the problem?

Chapter 71

Summarize the program that Pi developed.

Chapter 72

Explain how Pi attempted to control Richard Parker? How many attempts did it take for him to be successful?

Chapter 73

What did Pi keep during his time out at sea?

Chapter 74

What did Pi do to bring himself comfort at sea? In your opinion, what does this do for a person?

Chapter 75

Why do you think Pi sang to his mother?

Chapter 76

What psychological bullying was Pi playing with Richard Parker? What was Pi’s purpose for doing this?

Chapter 77

How do we see Pi’s desperation in this chapter?

Chapter 78

What lesson did you learn from this chapter?

Chapter 79

Summarize the battle between Richard Parker and the shark.

Chapter 80

How did Pi appear to be more confident?

Chapter 81

How did Pi justify his survival with a Bengal Tiger? What was his proof?

Chapter 82

What became the major threat to Pi’s survival?

Chapter 83

What major event occurred on this day? What did Pi lose? How did he feel?

Chapter 84

Why did Pi decide to inform the reader of all the creatures/animals he saw? Did this have any particular significance to his fate? Explain.

Chapter 85

How does the description of nature in this chapter differ from the previous chapters? Explain.

Chapter 86

What was ironic about Pi’s statement (“I love you”) to Richard Parker?

Chapter 87

How did Pi try to mentally escape from the lifeboat? Do you think this is dangerous? Why or why not?

Chapter 88

Why do you think Pi put a message in a bottle?

Chapter 89

Comment on Pi’s last few diary entries. How are they different than previous ones?

Chapter 90

Who unexpectedly arrived at the lifeboat? What did Pi discover about this person? What happened to him?

Chapter 91

What disturbing information did Pi reveal?

Chapter 92

What did Pi find in the tree? What was his conclusion?

Chapter 93

Who did Pi turn to in a moment of distress?

Chapter 94

Where did Pi arrive? Who found him? What happened to Richard Parker? How did this make Pi feel?


Chapter 95

Who was asked to visit Pi? What was their purpose?

Chapter 96

What were the men most concerned with?

Chapter 97

If you were one of the two men, would you believe Pi’s story? Why or why not?

Chapter 98

How did the men respond to Pi’s story?

Chapter 99

In Pi’s new story, who were the orangutan, the zebra, the hyena, and the tiger?

Chapter 100

Do you think Mr. Okamoto believed Pi’s original story? Why or why not?


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