Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. I’m stuck on an assignment.

To explore the concept of complexity, think a little more about the topic you have chosen for your historical analysis essay. Your essay, of course, is relatively brief, so your thesis statement is probably fairly narrow. That is as it should be.

But just for the purposes of this discussion, imagine that you are not writing a brief research paper—instead, you are writing a full-length book. What would you do to produce a fuller, more complex discussion of this event? What different historical lenses might you apply? What causes or consequences of this event would you examine in greater depth? Does your event raise morally complex questions?

Don’t worry—you do not really have to write a book. Just take two or three paragraphs to explain how you might develop a more complex picture of your historical event, if you had the time and the space to do just that.

Also, respond to the following prompt in two to three paragraphs:

Consider the following statement: “In preparing for the Cherokee Removal, state and federal officials were motivated solely by desire to seize the Natives’ land.”

Does this statement present the full picture? In two or three paragraphs, explain how you would revise this statement to present a more complex explanation of the motivations that drove state and federal officials, as well as white citizens of Georgia, during the years immediately preceding the Cherokee Removal.

Humanities Homework Help

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