Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. The length for the written component is maximum of 2 pages double spaced, please include your graphs to your analysis

Data and creative design help communication managers to make informed
decisions in communications planning, budgeting and optimization of
media touchpoints. This assignment will provide each student the
opportunity to practice interactive data analysis and decision making.
The assignment challenges each student to use the data associated with
the tableau software to create three visualizations, and an INTERACTE
DASHBOARD that inform decisions on how to spend the company’s
advertisement budget.The assignment is accompanied by useful Tableau
links that show how to complete different tasks, and sample tableau
projects. There are 3 parts to this assignment. See the instructions

Part 1: creation of visualizations (3 points)

use the Global Superstore data attached to the tableau software to
create two visualizations and an interactive Dashboard. Based upon your
analysis, advice Global Superstore how to allocate its communications
budget moving forward. Your visualization should show the following (a)
sales by product category; (b) sales by month; and (c) sales by zip
code. This means you are required to create 3 different graphs/charts
that answer these questions.

Part 2: creation of a Dashboard (2 points)

an interactive Dashboard that show the charts/graphs you created in one
platform and properly label each. Please pay attention during the
Tableau workshop on Thursday, March 26.

Part 3:Analysis and recommendation (5 points)

is the descriptive and critical component of the visualizations and
dashboard you created. Please describe the visualizations created and
the implications for the company’s advertising efforts. Please advise
Global Superstore on the following:

  1. What products should receive the highest advertising dollars and why?
  2. Which regions/zip codes should the company concentrate its advisement efforts and why?
  3. Which months should receive the highest advertisement efforts and why? Think about frequency and effective frequency theory.

Share the steps you took in the creation of your analysis and
recommendation. This background will put your recommendation in proper
perspective, and help your company/stakeholders grasp the importance of
your recommendation.

(e) What obstacles did you encounter in the
creation of the visualizations and dashboards, and how did you resolve
the obstacles?

(f) What lessons did you learn from completing this task.

Length: The length for the written component is maximum of 2 pages double spaced, please include your graphs to your analysis.

Draft 1 is 2 points

Please see Link touseful Tableau resources:

Sample projects

Humanities Homework Help

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