Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. watch any 3 short videos and answer 3 questions one paragraph each

Please be thought-filled (think critically and outside the box) and respectful in your posts. Effort a separate, distinct, substantive paragraph for each question. You must cite any/all sources used. Each question have it’s video under of it. One paragraph each.

1- Discuss which of their tips you have already implemented. After watching this video, would you take additional steps to make your home less likely to be burglarized? Why or why not?

2- How would rational choice theory explain Dorner’s behavior? Do you think that Dorner was rational when he committed his crimes?

3-Maryland only executed very few people. Do you think that the death penalty would have been more of a deterrent if Maryland had executed more people? Why or why not? Do you think this decision will influence other states?

4- Discuss what should be done with career criminals such as the one in the video. According to self-control theory, can they be rehabilitated? Explain your answer.

5- Discuss the implications of developmental theory for parenting and schooling of children.

6- Discuss the extent and consequences of human trafficking for the victims. Discuss why victims may not go to police. What can be done to help victims?

7- What did Snowden do? Discuss why Snowden is labeled a criminal by the U.S. government.

8-Research and discuss the Enron case and whether the case would lend support to the instrumentalists orstructuralists.

9- Sex offender registries are supposed to protect the society from sex offenders. Research your state’s sex offender registry and determine what type of offenders are included, what they can and cannot do, and under what criteria they can be removed from the list. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the sex offender registry. Research what eventually happened in Anderson’s case. Do you agree with the outcome?

10- Discuss how attachment, belief, commitment, and involvement can lead to deviant rather than conforming behavior. Debate the differences between social learning theory and social control theory. Which theory do you think is more valid?

11- Explain how and why many juveniles learn delinquent behavior from other juveniles. Under what social conditions is juvenile delinquency more likely (e.g., neighborhood, family relationships, etc.)?

12-Have you experienced cyberbullying in school? What do you think is the most appropriate punishment for the girls arrested for this crime?

Humanities Homework Help

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