Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PSY 301 SDSU Use of Cellphone in Modern Society Type of Variable Lab Report

Lab 4: Results Section— APA Paper #1


Objectives for Lab 4:

  • Restate your hypothesis
  • Test your hypothesis test with the appropriate statistic
    • Run a Chi-square test of independence in SPSS


Outline for Results Section

Read and complete this outline prior to starting the lab. You may write in fragments (words, phrases) or in complete sentences. Please note that thinking about paper construction and outlining your thoughts will aid in writing each section of your lab report, so take advantage of this process!

Restate your hypotheses

  • Note. You can copy these from the introduction lab—consistency across your writing is more important than trying to be “creative” by switching around your language
  • “It was hypothesized…”
  • “It was hypothesized…”

Report your results

  • Describe the relationship between your two variables of interest.
  • Report your statistics correctly.
  • If you did not find statistically significant results…
    • You are done. Stop here.
  • If you found statistically significant results…
    • Follow up with descriptive information elaborating further
    • Follow up with a figure “showing” those results and make reference to it (e.g., “As seen in Figure 1…”).

***This next part is for your reference only. You will not write this in your paper; however, it is good practice to ask yourself these questions so that you know you are using the correct statistics when testing your hypotheses.***

For each hypothesis…

Test statistic:

  • What type of variables do you have? (continuous, categorical)
  • What type of inferential statistic are you running? Why?
  • What does this statistic tell us?
  • How will we know if it is statistically significant?

Humanities Homework Help

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