Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Deliverable 7 – Reflective Practice


  • Explain the purpose and process of observation and assessment to inform planning.
  • Generate assessment tools which collect data towards supporting and improving children’s learning.
  • Justify appropriate methods for documenting children’s learning for a variety of purposes.
  • Relate the connection between observation, assessment, and effective teaching.
  • Summarize the planning cycle of knowledge, observation, assessment, planning, and reflection as it relates to educator self-reflection.
  • Address the role of reflection in the observation and assessment process.


To explain and justify the importance of assessing and documenting children’s learning, you will create a Power Point, talking points and supporting materials for a training for your peers on the Implementation of Observation and Assessment to Inform Curriculum Planning. Share your thoughts on the importance and function of reflection on your own work and practices as an early learning practitioner.

  1. Create a Power Point and corresponding talking points/details in the Power Point notes section to explain the following:
    1. Explain the purpose and process of observation and assessment in informing curriculum planning.
    2. Explain how observation and assessment inform best practices in teaching.
    3. Provide a visual for the planning cycle. In the notes section, explain how you best use or plan to use the planning cycle in your teaching.
    4. Choose your preferred method or tool for documenting and assessing children’s learning and provide an example using description, photo or other example of this method (see #2). In the notes section, explain how you would use this tool and why this tool will be useful in your planning and teaching
  2. Create an original assessment tool which will be able to be used to assess and document one of the following focus areas:
    1. Behavior tracking
    2. Cognitive development
    3. Physical development
    4. Interests or strengths
  3. Write a 1-2 page reflection and goal setting summary based upon your work in the course thus far. Answer the following questions.
    1. How has your view of observation and assessment evolved since beginning this course?
    2. What questions still remain for you on the topic of observation and assessment for curriculum planning and teaching? How will you discover the answers?
    3. What is one new strategy or tool you will use to implement observation and assessment into your work with children? How will you begin using it tomorrow?
    4. How will you share the knowledge you gained from this course with your colleagues? Describe 2-3 key concepts you will share to help improve teaching practice.

Submit all documents in one zip file. Be sure to use proper spelling and grammar in your submission and include any relevant references to support your points. All references should be cited following APA format guidelines.

Humanities Homework Help

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