Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Russian Primary chronicle, history homework help

What information can one discover about early Russian society from the Primary Chronicle excerpt?

The Essay, approximately 400 to 600 words in length NO PLAGIARISM. SHOULD HAVE A STRONG THESIS UNDERLINED AN WELL ORGANIZED & cite evidence to support your analysis

Background Information : ( The Russian Primary Chronicle ‘ vremmennykh let) dates to the early twelfth century and is often attributed to Nestor, a learned monk in the Monastery of the Caves in Kiev. The chronicle, completed in 1116 and based on the work of earlier monks, is almost the sole surviving Russian source on the formation of the early Kievan state. The text of the chronicle, a copy of the original found in the Laurentian monastery, perished in a fire in Moscow after Napoleon occupied the city in 1812. Other slightly different versions do exist.

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