Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. 1.(a) What is deforestation? (b) Using examples state and explain any four (4) causes of deforestation in Brazil? (c) List any four (2) effects of deforestation? (d) Suggest any four (4) solutions to the problem of deforestation?

ESSAY QUESTION (20 points)

Write your answers in clear English prose sentences, using a paragraph for each answer.

1.(a) What is deforestation? (2 points)

(b) Using examples state and explain any four (4) causes of deforestation in Brazil

(12 points)

(c) List any four (2) effects of deforestation (2 points)

(d) Suggest any four (4) solutions to the problem of deforestation (4 points)

Please see the attachment and put your answer on the paper.

Humanities Homework Help

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