Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Essay, 2-3 pages + the outlines. “Adversity introduces a man to himself.” Albert Einstein


Please read the following quote:

“Adversity introduces a man to himself.” Albert Einstein

This has been an unconventional semester and each one of you has now lived through a time of great uncertainty. I want you to think about this quote and submit the following.

  • Your outline – well developed. You must have a thesis.
  • Your thesis underlined in both your outline and your essay
  • A 2-3 pages essay using the above quote as your prompt. This is your essay so you must interpret this quote as it has applied to your life over the last two months. Remember, adversity can also bring out the best in someone, so this does not have to be a negative paper.
  • Word doc file
  • MLA format – header, heading, title, etc.
  • All grammar and spelling conventions will count
  • You do not need a Works Cited page
  • This paper can be in first person as this is a narrative essay.

This is an opportunity for you to actually put in writing your thoughts about a world changing event and how it impacted you. Do good work.

-Notice: there should be two word dodocuments, one for the outline and the other one for the essay

– any questions let me know

Thank you

Humanities Homework Help

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