Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Response Essay on Theatre and Dance

  1. Put your name in the upper left hand corner on the top margin in a header. Do not include any other information there.
  1. Your first line should contain your title, which you will center and double-space within if it runs longer than one line and will double-space after; create your own title.
  1. Begin your response.
  • Use Paragraphing
  • Double-space the entire response.
  • The Response needs to be 3 full pages minimum and 4 full pages maximum–though if you need a bit extra, going on into a page 5 a bit is fine.
  1. Use 12-point Times New Roman font.
  2. Do not forget the Writing Handouts I have supplied all semester, especially the one on Specifics, the one on Thesis Statements, and the one on Major Sentence Errors.
  3. For any outside information or quoting (short only) you include, simply give the author and title. No need for a Work(s) Cited page or formal documentation, but you still have to give credit for quotations and for unquoted ideas, etc.
  4. Feel free to use terms from the book: do not worry about crediting it except for page number in ( ) at the end and outside the quotation marks and any quotations you use from it.
  5. Whatever criteria you use as part of your response can come from any of the book’s terms, your own knowledge, material you look up, and your own experience. Keep in mind, however, that you are indeed responding to how the piece of art works or doesn’t (or some of both) for you in light of the prompt: you are evaluating it and supporting/developing your evaluation. It can of course also interpret aspects of your interpretation of it, though you should also link that to how you respond to its meaning to you and how and why you react to that as you do. Be sure to avoid merely generalizing: offer support for all claims.
  6. Be sure all quotations include quotation marks: again, avoid Plagiarism.
  7. Be sure all quotations include quotation marks: avoid Plagiarism.
  8. Prompt # 8, Essay Due Friday, May 8, in Dropbox: Using the following link, respond to the elements of how this dance mixes theatrical elements along with dance based on at least 3 criteria you select from your text and based on elements enough of your own personal response to it as dance and art to meet the usual 3-4 full-page double-spacing requirement for these response essays: . I have rechecked this link to be sure it works, and it does. Please note that in making this assignment I carefully chose this particular video because it combines theatre and dance (as well as music: Hozier’s “Take Me to Church,”). Within the dance, it uses interpretive dance, ballet, and modern dance all rolled together. That may offer you some help in approaching this response. You will probably need to copy and paste the link.

Humanities Homework Help

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