Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. history homework help


I asked you to follow the prompt and the requirments very carefully. The essay you have wrote did not follow the requirment. Why you did not use the required book. you have used the wrong book. you used the volume B: 500_1750. However, in the prompt the required book for this essay is the volume II (2): since 1300. I will upload a picture of the required book. Also, I will upload a grading rubric for this essay so you MUST refer to the required book VOLUME II (2): SINCE 1300 as a source and you MUST follow the grading rubric for getting an A in this essay. this is because he will took of some points from me because I submitted a wrong source for the essay. Moreover, he gave me 3 more days to revise the essay. Thus, I MUST get A Full grade in the revised essay in order to pass the class. please make sure that you MEET all the requirment. Moreover, you MUST follow the intructions in the grading rubric for getting an A very carefully.

Humanities Homework Help

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