Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. paper with PowerPoint

Topic: The impact of students’ loans to youths and families in DMV (Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia) During 1980 – 2019


  • Table of contents
  • Abstract >1 page
  • Introduction> 1-2
  • Abbreviated Literature Review >2 pages
  • Abbreviated Methodology >1
  • Body (with sub-sections)
  • Findings (Including figures and graphs, where appropriate) >2 pages maximum
  • Conclusion
  • Areas for Further Research
  • Footnotes
  • Bibliography
  • PowerPoint maximum 5 slides
  • You should present papers clearly and persuasively with adequate documentation.
  • The entire paper is minimum 20 pages (double-spaced, one-inch margins,12-point type) excluding the cover page, Footnotes and the Bibliography.
  • Materials you wish to use must come from reputable sources.
  • The papers must follow the standards set forth in Turabian 8th edition.

Humanities Homework Help

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