Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. IH II Economic Freedom and Equality

1500 words about economic freedom and economic equality and how the government should mediate. Use examples from a reading.

Introduction: economic freedom vs. enforced economic equality.Economic freedom tends to produce creative businesses with serious winners and losers. Enforced economic equality tends to produce an inferior lifestyle for everyone. Agree or disagree with these generalizations. Describe a context in which you will discuss the tension between economic freedom and economic equality and the role that government may play as a mediator. You may use Davidson’s “Making It in America” or any other context that you choose.

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1.0 pts

Freedom: consider any highly successful CEO. Larry Sills would be one example but you may use any example that you choose.Based on Davidson’s description of how Larry came to be CEO of SMP, and all the things Larry has done to keep SMP afloat (make your own list), how should (or how does) our government protect Larry’s ability to run SMP as he sees fit?

2.0 pts

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2.0 pts

Equality: consider any ordinary person not born into wealth and not well-positioned to advance in our highly competitive society. Maddie Parlier would be one example but you may use any example that you choose.Based on Davidson’s description of Maddie’s life situation (make your own list of Maddie’s talents and limitations), what, if anything, might our government do to help Maddie not be locked into a lifetime of financial desperation?

2.0 pts

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2.0 pts

The role of governmentWe want our businesses to be as successful as possible. We also want our ordinary citizens to enjoy their jobs and the income they can earn from their jobs. Can government play a useful role in balancing these two goals?

2.0 pts

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2.0 pts

ConclusionSummarize your sense of the tension between freedom and equality and the role that government can play as intermediary in the setting that you have chosen. Is there a context different from the one you have chosen where freedom and equality might not be in so much tension?

1.0 pts

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1.0 pts

Humanities Homework Help

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