Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. peer reviw 1

My expectation is that a good peer review will be at least 2 or 3 pages long and will include meaningful criticisms of the paper and specific suggestions for how it can be improved and completed.

the assignment is to write review of Julie’s draft, (i will attched julie’s paper , and a sample of how to write peer reviw )

The specific assignment is:

Explain, in your own words, the research question and hypothesis.

Explain in your own words the key independent variable, opportunity structure. What does Julie mean by this? How will she be able to know it when she sees it? (That is, how will she “operationalize” this variable?)

Explain in your own words how Julie measures opportunity structures in her various case studies. Is her approach consistent? Does it make sense?

Does the way Julie chooses different cases here make sense? Do her cases provide enough variation for her to make meaningful comparisons?

Please come up with some specific suggestions about how Julie can best improve the way she defines and measures the key variables in her cause-and-effect argument.

Are there any other suggestions for improvement you can think of?

Humanities Homework Help

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